
Ioannina Agricultural Poultry Cooperative «PINDOS»

Ioannina Agricultural Poultry Cooperative «PINDOS»


Ioannina Agricultural Poultry Cooperative «PINDOS»

APSI "PINDOS" provides the infrastructure and the chickens' rearing. In its mill, animal feed is prepared, and rations are determined. Breeding parameters are checked and recorded at all stages. Live bird blood draw is performed, and samples are tested in the cooperative's laboratory.


In this way, the potential adjuvant effect of the different rearing methods on the chickens is evaluated. Upon breeding completion, the necessary checks are performed on the meat quality characteristics for its appropriate organoleptic characteristics. 

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This is followed by the statistical processing of the organoleptic results and the different rearing methods.


Highlighting and improving the particular characteristics of Greek primary production commodities through innovative processes is a significant initiative for the novel entrepreneurship development in the field of Agri-Food and is in line with the priorities of the RIS3 of the Region of Epirus.

University of Ioannina - Department of Chemistry

University of Ioannina - Department of Chemistry

University of Ioannina

University of Ioannina - Department of Chemistry

The Biochemistry Laboratory in collaboration with the Peptide Chemistry Laboratory of the University of Ioannina coordinates the project and conducts specialized analyzes and measurements such as Creatine Kinase (CK) activity, its isoforms, levels of Creatine (CK Substrate) and Creatinine (final excretion product), the positive effect of the herb-enriched nutritional environment, but also the measurement of the antioxidant status of the poultry in the study.

Hellenic Pasteur Institute – Immunology Laboratory

Hellenic Pasteur Institute – Immunology Laboratory


Hellenic Pasteur Institute – Immunology Laboratory

The Immunology Laboratory of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute, based on its long experience in immunochemistry, contributes to the quality control of free-range chickens by searching for new markers, biochemical and immunological. For this purpose, specialized immunoassays are developed in the laboratory to measure a) a troponin T peptide in the skeletal muscle extract and b) the levels of a series of natural antibodies of IgM and IgY(G) class,as well as the ratio IgM/IgY, in the serum of the studied poultry.

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The Hellenic Pasteur Institute, one of the oldest Research Institutions in the country with a decisive contribution to the defense of Public Health, is a non-profit organization, supervised by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and operates under an International Convention between the Greek Government and of the Pasteur Institute of Paris (N.3733/2009) and the Greek legislation governing the operation of the Research Centers.


It is an active member of the International Network of Pasteur Institutes, serving scientific solidarity and mutual aid through joint actions.


The main mission of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute is:

(i) conducting basic and translational biomedical research with an emphasis on infectious, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases;

(ii) the defense of Public Health through accredited national infectious disease reference laboratories;

(iii) the research, development, production, storage and distribution of vaccines, biological and therapeutic products with priority to cover national needs;

(iv) the provision of diagnostic and other services and

(v) the training of scientists in fields related to its research activities.